They call me a stroller snob. I am VERY picky when it comes to choosing my strollers for my kids. Why? Because I’m very big on colors, materials, style.. overall, how it looks and rides.

The Colugo Complete Stroller for babies and toddlers is one I absolutely love. Well more like the Colugo Complete Stroller!

Colugo baby and toddler stroller

The Colugo Complete Stroller look itself is very high end. The materials are not cheap or plastic-y and well… you’ll have to just keep reading to get the inside scoop and all the details on the Colugo Baby Stroller – which obviously is great for toddlers too!

Colugo Complete Stroller – for Babies & Toddlers

Firstly, when searching for a stroller I look at the basket, because let’s be real… We all need as much storage space as we can get when we have kids and that means, less carrying and more storage space needed. The Colugo Complete Stroller definitely offers a large basket under the seat.

Not only that, but the basket itself has 3 pockets (say what?!) where you can store bottles, wipes, etc. nicely without just throwing it down below. It can also carry up to 22lbs in weight! And let me say, I need that for when we go on trips like theme parks where everyone just dumps everything down there from jackets to bags to food and drinks!

Colugo baby and toddler stroller

Now the canopy it has is great! Not only does it have a shade extension making it come lower, but it also is a UPF 50+ canopy. Living in Florida, this is a must thanks to the bright and shiny sun!

Colugo baby and toddler stroller

The seat has a 5 point harness. This for me is very important, especially since babies/toddlers get to the age where they can climb out of straps or wiggle themselves out. This makes it so it’s more safe for the child.

Colugo baby and toddler stroller

The seat itself can also be placed either rear facing or forward facing – this is all dependent on the parents preference. I usually have it rear facing when they’re younger and the forward facing once they’re a bit older and exploring and enjoy looking around.

Now my favorite!! The seat itself reclines to a FLAT position! This is perfect for when my babe is sleeping. Laying flat as opposed to somewhat upright like many strollers is more comfortable for them. Especially on trips or all day outings where they will be in the stroller most of the time.

I also love the part where their feet rest against. You can either have it down where their feet dangle (if short lol) or straight up. See the images below to see what I mean!

The Colugo Complete Stroller is also car seat compatible which is perfect in the little ones early months! All you need is to get an adapter which is part of their Complete Infant Kit. They have adapters for Chicco, Clek, Cybex, Maxi Cosi and Nuna car seats.

If you purchase the Complete Infant Kit, it comes with the infant insert and headrest which converts the strollers seat into a perfectly comfy lie-flat infant seat. I actually like this better as it is more comfortable than keeping the infant in the car seat for long periods of time – and we all know babies should not be in car seats really unless it’s in the car.

Colugo baby and toddler stroller

As far as the wheels go on the Colugo Complete Stroller, they’re great! They have an all-wheel suspension and are shock-absorbent tested on a variety of different terrains. This includes cobblestone, grass, gravel, curbs and more. They’re also made of UVA-rubber blend making it puncture-proof.

Now the size of the stroller: Weighr is about 25lbs with the frame and the seat. That’s not so bad considering it’s perfect size for both the parent with storing things and for the child in a seat that’s comfortable.

Colugo baby and toddler stroller

I honestly LOVE the Colugo Complete Stroller. It pushes smoothly. My babe sits comfortably. There’s more than enough storage space. The quality is amazing… what’s there not to love?

And the price is perfect. Not like the other brand strollers that charge $1,000 and up.

If you’re in the market for a nicer stroller, yet affordable, definitely check out the Colugo Complete Stroller. You won’t be disappointed!

Check out the Colugo Complete Stroller HERE!

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Colugo baby and toddler stroller
Posted by:The Stylish Mommy

Mommy of 3 girls and I blog about all things Life with kids as well as hints of Fashion and Beauty. If you get to know me, I’m a fun and silly person to be around who loves having a good time. But yes, I have my flaws and suffer from anxiety and want to help others who suffer as well. And when I’m in need of therapy, I turn to shopping. Who doesn’t!?

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