Once your baby reaches the age of introducing solids, you may wonder what are the best foods to start with. Or maybe it’s which brand of baby food. Some may feel home-made and organic baby food is the way to go. But let’s be real, making our own baby foods can sometimes be hard at times when things get busy. That’s where Yumi Organic Baby Foods saves the day!

Yumi Organic Baby Foods are certified organic and non-GMO as well as certified kosher. They are all all vegan, nut-free, dairy-free, and gluten-free. Yumi preps their baby foods fresh weekly and also create different flavors and add in certain spices to go with the current season. Not only are they organic, but they have zero synthetics, never fortified, no additives and no concentrates.

Why Chose Yumi Organic Baby Food?

Let’s get more into detail about Yumi Organic Baby Foods. Besides for being organic with no synthetics and all the other icky stuff, they’re more than just a “baby food.” Yumi creates their foods for growing minds. A baby’s brain is formed by the age of 2 and until then, it is important to feed them the right foods to help nourish their minds.

During this time, foundational cognitive functions are formed. This includes motor skills, social cues, emotional development, memory, attention, and temperament. Also, 60% of a baby’s caloric intake is used for their brain development. Yumi has designed their foods to be rich in vitamins and minerals, especially Lutein, Selenium, Choline and Iron.

Yumi Organic Baby Foods are not just foods for the sake of your baby eating solids and getting used to eating, they’re more than that! They create their baby foods with your baby’s development in mind.

Yumi organic baby foods

How Yumi Organic Baby Food Work

When you go onto the Yumi website, it will ask you for your baby’s age and what stage of baby food they’re on such as smooth single purées or mixed purées, etc. This will help a nutritionist create the perfect plan to suit their developmental needs. You then chose how many meals you would like delivered per day such as 1, 2 or 3. Yumi then has these foods delivered fresh weekly!

**Please note though, Yumi Organic Baby Food is a weekly subscription, but you can always modify or cancel at anytime!

Yumi Organic Baby Foods vs. Store Bought Baby Foods

Besides for Yumi Organic Baby Foods being fresh and organic, they work with a team of doctors, nutritionists, and chefs continually in order to develop the most nutrient dense purées and fingers foods available for your growing babes. Yumi balances their menu to include a wide range of fruits, legumes, greens, grains, root vegetables, spices, and fats. While they develop each of their flavors, they make sure each has 5 micro-nutrients.

Yumi Organic Baby Foods also balances the baby’s intake of fiber and sugar which is very important! They also use Modified Atmospheric Packaging to make sure their baby food maintains their nutritional values.

Because Yumi Organic Baby Foods are made and delivered fresh daily, they should be used within the week of receiving them; right before receiving the following week. And no worries if a jar or a couple weren’t eaten, they can be frozen for later use!

As with store bought baby foods, they’re all generic. Of course there are many that are organic, but the packaging and shelf life says it all. How healthy at the end of the day can that be? Plus, they may mix foods, but they’re not making the baby foods with amazing nutritional value like Yumi Organic Baby Foods does.

Yumi Organic Baby Foods

Wondering what type of foods they carry for your growing baby? All stages!

  • Stage 1 – Smooth single purées (4-6 months old)
  • Stage 2 – Smooth multi-ingredient purées (7 months +)
  • Stage 3 – Multi Ingredient with seeds or grains (9 months +)
  • Stage 4 – Chunky mix of multiple ingredients (10 months +)
  • Finger Foods – Nutrient dense bites and puffs (11 months +)
Yumi Organic Baby Foods

Our Thoughts!

When I got my first package from Yumi Organic Baby Foods and opened it, I couldn’t believe how cold it was and fresh! Considering I’m in Florida and they’re in California! That was a plus because my worries with foods is how fresh it’ll be when it arrives in the post, but this arrived perfect.

They’re foods by far are different then any baby foods we’ve tried. Love how they add spices like ginger, cinnamon or cumin. This helps the baby get used to a wide range of flavors. Of course though, my baby didn’t eat everything we received, but that’s totally normal when introducing baby foods. Between flavor and texture, it’s something they need to learn. But she loved their Coconut Cream Pie and Apple Pie! Whatever she didn’t finish, I was sure to, no joke! (And this is why Yumi is amazing. YOU chose what you want and know your baby will eat!)

I highly recommend Yumi Organic Baby Foods to anyone looking to start their babies on solids or already on solids, but looking for a healthier option. This brand is like no other for sure! To get started, click HERE!

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Posted by:The Stylish Mommy

Mommy of 3 girls and I blog about all things Life with kids as well as hints of Fashion and Beauty. If you get to know me, I’m a fun and silly person to be around who loves having a good time. But yes, I have my flaws and suffer from anxiety and want to help others who suffer as well. And when I’m in need of therapy, I turn to shopping. Who doesn’t!?

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